Creative Coaching Sessions

Embark on a journey of discovery with me, where the boundaries between past, present, and future blur into a tapestry of timeless wisdom and healing.

From a young age, I’ve been attuned to the whispers of past lives, unlocking the secrets of my soul through deep meditation and ancient teachings. At just 14 years old, guided by a book discovered in the quiet corners of a library, I unraveled the threads of my past incarnations, weaving them into the fabric of my present existence.

Drawing upon the rich tapestry of my many lifetimes, I’ve cultivated a diverse array of gifts and talents, blending ancient wisdom with modern practices to guide others on their path to self-discovery and healing.

In my sessions, I harness the transformative power of tarot, astrology, yoga, reiki, sound healing, and mantras, tailoring each experience to meet the unique needs of my clients. Whether you’re a therapist, holistic professional, or seeker on the path to wholeness, I offer a space for deep introspection and profound transformation.

At the heart of my practice lies a commitment to getting to the root of the issue, empowering you to embark on your own journey of self-healing and growth. Following each session, I provide personalized “homework,” offering guidance and support as you navigate the intricate landscape of your soul.

Join me on this sacred journey of exploration and self-discovery. Together, we’ll unlock the hidden treasures of your soul and illuminate the path toward wholeness and fulfillment.

30 Minutes
one hour